Welcome to the website of 3D Tune-In
3D-games for TUNing and lEarnINg about hearing aids
3D Tune-In introduces a novel approach using 3D sound, visuals and gamification techniques to support people using hearing aids and learn about their different functionalities, and the impact these can have on everyday life.
The project brings together relevant stakeholders from traditional gaming industries, academic institutes, a large European hearing aid manufacturer and hearing communities to produce digital games in the field of hearing aid technologies and hearing loss in children and older adults, addressing social inclusion, generating new markets and creating job opportunities.
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The 3D Tune-In Project website has not been formally assessed for compliance against Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). As it is a legacy site and no new information is being uploaded.
The site owners have undertaken a lot of usability improvements to the pages to improve the experience for users with disabilities and visual impairments.
We will do our best to address all reasonable requests regarding this website and it’s use. Please contact l.picinali@imperial.ac.uk with your requests, we endeavour to respond within 7 days.
3D Tune-In Introduction Video
This is a short video introduction about the 3D Tune-In project.
Latest News
On the 18th of April 2018, the 3D Tune-In event Hearing Futures was held in London in partnership with the Victoria&Albert museum.
The core of the 3D Tune-In project has been the development of five applications, each of which aim to improve the lives of those affected by hearing loss.
On the 5th March NHS England hosted their annual Healthcare Science Awards with HRH Princess Anne as the guest of honour. The awards...
The Victoria and Albert (V&A) Museum of London is opening its doors to 3D Tune-In on Wednesday 18th April 2018. The museum will host the 3D Tune-In final public event since the project...
Researchers at the University of Nottingham are looking for adults with hearing aids to participate in 3D Tune-In evaluation studies in February and March.
The 3D Tune In team are inviting children with hearing aids to participate in their studies in February and March. The 3D Tune-In project has developed a digital game for children with hearing aids. We are looking for children aged 8 and...
Workshop session about the 3D Tune-In Toolkit lead by Mirabelle D'Cruz (University of Nottingham), Arcadio Reyes-Lecuona and Maria Cuevas-Rodriguez (both from the University of Malaga) at the EuroVR conference 2017 in Laval (France), 12th-14th December 2017.
The 3D Tune In team were proud to be involved in The British Academy of Audiology’s 14th Annual Conference at Bournemouth International Centre on the 16th-17th November.
Reactify attended AES conference in New York in September to carry on spreading the word about our contributions to the world of binaural sound and tools for hearing aid users.
On the 26th and 27th of October, the 3D Tune-In 6th General Project Meeting was held in Rome. The meeting, organised by our partner Vianet, took place in the city centre, surrounded by magnificent monuments and historical buildings.
From the 27th to the 30th of September, Siena hosted the SIAF, the Italian most important conference on audiology and phonetics, a perfect showcase to present the 3D Tune In project and its applications.
We have recently been very busy with presenting and demoing the 3D Tune-In Toolkit and applications at various EU conference venues.

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